Ye-hes! I bet you didn't see this coming, that I would write another entry without hell of a time gap. The thing is, I've got some news for you (for Finnish readers mostly, maybe)~

Since Desucon turned out to be a little to expensive that even my wallet would've cried out loud "what the hell, woman!?" if I used my money on that, my first convention of the year of 2014 will be instead
Yukicon. It will be held next January, from 18th to 19th at Espoon Kulttuurikeskus. And on Sunday (19th), my friend
Marika and I are going to be there selling handmade accessories. Marika sells pastel-gothic-styled jewelry and possibly customized iPhone 4, 4s and 5 cases.
On my end of the table you will find..
GJN EXCLUSIVE - handmade cat eared -hats and only one handbag! Every single hat and the bag is made by me - with love of course~
There are many colors to pick from and also shorter versions without the pon pons available! The prices are as follows:
Hopefully these will sell. It would be a shame if all this work would be thrown to waste.
So, if you are visiting Yukicon, please check out our table on Sunday at the Art Alley! You won't be disappointed!
That should be it. Have a great one!
happy B-day Raura =) from Japan kenji