But before I take the buss, I need to take that video camera back to the Senior High School - I don't want it to stay here at my place and then be forgoten! And though I have to do my final work during the summer holidays, I need a video camera that can record at least 800fps in high quality, and this one I have here isn't that good - it's old.

Gotta buy the ticket first as well!
But now I quess I'll take a little nap, so I can focus in the morning~
Oh! And I almost forgot: there's no way that our kimonos will be here on time anymore. You see, the parcel was stucked in the UK for entire 7 DAYS! It just kept showing the status "Data transferred to GLS System as preadvice" but when I contacted the GLS via two different languages (English and Finnish), the parcel started to move right away! Now the status is Outbound from GLS location" so it has been picked up. Wanna bet that the parcel will be sent to Denmark first? And from there it'll be trancfered to Turku (FInland) via truck, which takes 2 business days aaaaaaaand from there it'll be handed over to Itella (Finnish post company) IF it's letted through the customs! Aaand of course Itella also has to mess around with me: I bet it's gonna take about 3 business days it to get via Kuopio or Mikkeli to here Savonlinna and the post office in Miekkoniemi. And if the post officer is on a bad mood, he/she won't send me the announcement card during the same day but on the second day! Just gotta love this system.
But though it was a disappointment that the kimonos didn't arrive on time, I still made another purchase via eBay already~ I bought a looooooong white wig. We'll see which one of the products will arrives first.
Oh, and here's the GLS's HP (in Finnish though). See the very end of the page: http://www.gls-finland.com/www/
It gave me a good laugh! "on time" Yeah right!
And sorry, that I keep changing the layout of this blog almost every day x'D I just haven't found a layout that saticfies me entirely yet. Maybe that day will reach us soon~
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