I seriously need to apologize the lack of updates. For the couple of weeks I've been ill and the finals are eating the rest of my time I've got.
But back to business!
During this time I've managed to write two reviews to JaME Suomi. One about An Cafe's release "amazing blue" and the other about the GazettE's "DIVISION". Both are in Finnish only, so I apologize from the foreign readers.
All the review readers - please, do not take the texts that seriously. Just doing my job and if there's a little or a lot of critique, that doesn't always mean I hate the song. We all have our opinions though~
Today I finished the last part of the English finals. The room was f-ing cold and we had to sit there at least for 3 hours. Hopefully nobody gets sick again because of the air conditioning of the building.
Another announcement: Shirocon is near! We'll be having all kinds of stuff, for example: cosplay competition, cosplay date, karaoke, tekken5-tournament, pokemon-tournament and lots of more! The date is 29th of September and place is Savonlinnan taidelukio! We start rocking at 10am! Hope to see you guys there~ If you see me, feel free to say hi!
Other news:
I started sewing... trousers... out of VINYL! Actually it's a lot more easier to deal with than satin, but the only problem is the fact the trousers are a bit too big. Because of my big thighs the leg parts are fine-sized, but the hip and waist... it seriously falls off! I've gotta tighten that area a bit now that I've got a new pack of black yarn! It shouldn't be that bick of a worry now~
And while talking about vinyl, I thought maybe, just maybe, I could sew something out of the rest of the fabric for tekken-tournament as a prize! A bag, perhaps? Do you guys have any ideas? Would you like to share them with me, pretty please? :3
Now it's time for me to head back to class.
See ya~
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