But first, on Saturday we left from Savonlinna with two of my friends and one girl I didn't know. She was quiet but nice and I hope I'll see her next time too :3 She cosplayed Connor from Assassin's Creed III and that awakened my urge to cosplay Ezio Auditore from Assassin's Creed II.. hopefully I can make that costume for some upcoming con. Stay tuned for that ;3

I stood about 4 hours at the art valley and all those 7 were already sold and I was able to leave back home about 4 hours earlier than originally planned! Thank goodness I didn't pre-order return ticket but only one-way. It made deciding when to leave much easier.
"I think I'm adorable." |
There's pretty much nothing more to mention, since I was half asleep during the whole weekend. We exchanged fast greetins with Jani, but too bad I wasn't quite PRESENT.. more like a ghost or spirit in the air, lol. My mind was completely having some strange thoughts.. literally! I also noticed the same phenomenon while painting Shinya-sama: I thought all the lines in his hair were soldiers and a huge battle was about to begin where actually there's a white reflection of light... Those times when you really want to ask your subconsciousness "what the actual fuck?"
What else? Well.. we did watch "PUTOUS" with the girls in our hotel and laughed our ass off with stupid jokes. One was a mind-image of an aboriginal man hanging upside down outside our room's window saying "you rang? How about a small breakfast?" with broken Finnish: "kutsuiko? Ehkä pieni valipala~?" (the Finns seen that creme bonjour commercial may remember that chef dude in a fridge giving a woman a piece of bread) I know it sounds crazy, but it was fun during the time XD
Maybe it'll be funnier if that aboriginal was replaced with Ezio Auditore.. See? I knew you would smile :DD (maybe I should draw some fanart out of this mindimage.. or could somebody from you guys do it for me, puwease? ;'D)
I'm sorry, but there's no pictures of my lolita costume I wore, yet. Only one guy took a picture right before I was heading to get back my things and leave the whole city, lol. I should've taken a picture or two before heading out from the hotel, since that time was pretty good for it (and now when I think about it, I even had the camera in my hand! Guess I was so exhausted I didn't realize..). BUT I might take some good photos in our school's studio some day soon.
All together about 80€ profit was made out from those paintings and I think I might do something similar again.. with better prepared schedule of course. Last minute panic isn't the bast answer for this kind of thing, at all. Now I've got some money to put aside for the time I move out from here. Moving is expensive, like everything else. Speaking of that, I purchased Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Assassin's Creed Revelations in one disc from dischop.fi! It cost only 19.95€ to buy that double game and it's much cheaper than buying them on separated discs. So, technically there's 3 games to play: mom bought Valkyria Chronicles for me a couple of days before my birthday. Thank you mom! :3 BUT I made a promise to myself that I won't play any games before I graduate from Savonlinna Taidelukio, so.. I guess I bought that 4 month license for Xsplit for nothing xD Also, I'm trying to get an HDD from huuto.net with a low price.. there's a possibility that I'll get 500GB with less than 40€ and that's a very good deal! The bad thing is, that the auction ends about 3,5 days from now, so there might be others to bid me out.
And while speaking of games, here's a short video from Sony, which creeps me out: I can clearly smell PS4 coming out already..
I put myself on the e-mail list, so I'll be informed right away what the fuck is all this fuzz about. And I will burst into flames in a bad way if this was PS4 that is going to be released. BECAUSE I JUST GOT PS3 SUPER SLIM. That would be so short time period between PS3 SS and PS4 release dates.. oO I guess we'll see tomorrow..
But as I usually do with posts, I always link some music too. Here's some that brought me back some memories from my childhood and PlayStation one games.. dunno why, but it did~
Take care!
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