Stupid layout.. BUT I promise, that I won't change the layout before the next photoshoot, because I decided to use my own pictures in the header from now on. I've been using artists as the background and header, because I thought that keeping an own picture as a header looks stupid and of course: self-centered. But now my blog looks like that it is kept by some over-obsessed fan. Well I am that too - unfortunately..
Well, the background may wake different ways of thinking; for example, if I keep the background like this, most of the readers might think, that this place isn't worth of reading; but a picture of myself might cause people to think that I'm so self-centered, that I'll see no-one else but everyone beneath my long nose. This is so difficult to decide, but I guess it'll be better this way..
So it's settled!
I'll put a poll over the left side's bar and ask you this: "Which picture would be better as a header: a picture of myself or a picture of an artist?"

I'm not saying that I hate Sano-san, NO WAY! This issue is just all about personalizing.
Make that poll scream!
Well, this is your blog, so I think it's normal to have a picture of you there.