Song itself starts so.. so...inviting! It invites all the listeners to sing along, or at least clap their hands! Also, yuuki-san's rapping was quite a surprise, but a good one. His rapping sounds a bit lower pitched than Miku-san's, but it still is awesome combination!
I'll be writing a review of this upcoming mini album for JaME Finland, so stay tuned for that.
I've been partying while listening to this new song! It reminds me of my summer 2006 and also at the same time brings tears to my eyes, because I really waited boys to make their return and amaze all their fans once again!
I can't wait for their live in Finland! This time I'm pretty sure, that I'm gonna cry at some point.. lol
I'll be waiting for you guys to be there! Let me know what kind of expectations you've got about this upcoming world tour and are you planning to visit An Cafe's live concert in your own country. I love shared opinions and comments~
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