Guess who's already done her math test? That's right :D
I did it within one hour and there still would have been about 1h 45min to calculate! Way too much time.. I mean there's no possible way to sit there nearly 3 hours and calculate those math problems.. it was way too easy and I thought there would be at least advanced as the problems on book. I guess I expected too much (笑)
But now I've got a little time to watch PEWDIEPIE's new videos. There's about 21 videos I haven't seen because all of this summer school business. Only one more test to go and it starts at 11.30, after lunch.
ただ、今、もっと時間があるから、PEWDIEPIEのビデオを見ています。 夏学校だから、21本のビデオを見えませんでした。まだテストが一つだけある、そしてそれは11時30分から始まります、ご飯後。
I think we're planning to go to a bar nearby my sis' flat. I'm not gonna have alcohol though. I wanna play billiards!
But now it's time for Pewdie! Bye~
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